Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Better Now Then Never!

So I have been meaning to do this when Brooklyn was born, but you know how it is with a baby!
Brooklyn Sofia was born May 2nd around 9AM and came out with beautiful dark brown hair (which has lightened up a lot since then) and gorgeous blue eyes that she still has! She was 20 inches long and weighed at 7lbs 7oz. The labor wasn't se bad after I got my epidural and then the pushing only took about 15 mins, which I was very glad because that was the part that I was afraid of the most. At her last appointment, she weighed 11 lbs and 8 oz and was at 2 feet long!!! She is certainly growing up WAY to fast! But I can't wait to see how much she grows and develops her personality!
This last weekend we finally moved to Laramie. Still a bit iffy about it, but I'm really liking it and there are so many nice people here! And next week Scott starts school here in Laramie at the University and he's excited but nervous at the same time. But at least he knows what he wants to work towards and is pushing himself so hard to get it done. I'm so proud of him!
So yesterday, I got surgery on my foot that has been extremely needed for about 2 years. I'm so glad it got done and it's going to be getting better from here! I can't wait till I'm fully recovered and can run around with Brooklyn and work out with my husband!
After we got home from my surgery, I went to bed while Scott played with Brooklyn. It was so precious to here them talking to eachother and having fun! The only sad part was I slept through her moment of her first roll!! I was pretty sad that I didn't get to see her do it but I'm glad Scott shared that moment with her!
Brooklyn has been growing so much each day and learning new things! She enjoys playing with her mommy and daddy! She absolutely love it when we smell her feet and push them away saying "Ewwww STINKY FEET!" It's so cute watching her laugh about it and get all excited. She also LOVES watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and playing along with the gang. She will be cooing at the TV as if she is answering them and it's just adorable! But everytime I try to record her she stops and once I put it away she starts up again. What a little booger. :) Her 4 month appointment is on the 4th where we will find out how much she has grown and I'm super excited to see how much! The thing that we're not so excited about is her shots... :( It's the saddest thing to watch but once they're done and I cuddle her she stops crying and holds it in. She is such a brave little one.
We are so blessed to have her in our lives and couldn't imagine it without her and I'm glad we don't have to. I feel extremely blessed also to have a wonderful husband who can give us blessings from our Heavenly Father. I also feel so blessed to have grown in the Church knowing that I will be with them every day and for all eternity!


blah said...

Hi! I love that you started a blog!! We miss you guys. Hope you continue to recover well.

Kristi Browning said...

Great blog! I'm new too...it is fun but I have little clue what I am doing lol! Say "hi" to everyone from your fam when you see them.